Profile ~ DGS Vestastic (AQHA)
DGS Vestastic
Vested Pine X Krymsun Hot Invite by Invitation Only
Foaled: 04/02/08
15.1 Hand – Chestnut Stallion
AQHA #5172852
Meet DGS Vestastic! An exceptional individual that will write his legacy by his foals. Sadly, unshown, due to injury as a foal we invite you to inspect his conformation and review his pedigree; packed with performers and producers!
The sire of DGS Vestastic is Vested Pine, who is by the great hall of Fame Sire; The Invester and out of Zippos Bay Lady by Zippo Pine Bar and himself is truely the crossing of great bloodlines and champion progeny. Vested Pine was the 1996 Congress Champion and 3-Time AQHA World Show Top 10 in Junior Western Pleasure, accumulating over 100 pleasure points in Open and Amateur Western Pleasure and Western Riding, a Superior in Open Western Pleasure and Grand Champion Halter and points in Halter. Vested Pine is a NSBA Hall of Fame Sire, sire of Multiple AQHA World and Reserve World Champions, Congress Champions and Reserve Champions, NSBA World and Reserve World Champions, AQHA High Point Champions and an Equistat-Leading sire. Notable among the Vested Pine offspring are Vested Faith, Britney Pine, I Gotta Good Name, Invest In Vital signs, Vested Wishes, Lopin So Pine, Invest In A Lotto and VS I Love Lucy, to name a few!
Krymsun Hot Invite, the dam of DGS Vestastic, is a performer in her own right! She was Top 10 at the AQHA World Show, a Congress Reserve Champion and earned 200+ pleasure points in Open and Amateur competitions. She is a full sister to 3-Time AQHA World Champion; One Hot Krymsun and to Congress Reserve Champion; Repeated in Red. She is a half-sister to Good Luck Girl. Krymsun Hot Invite is by the All-Time AQHA Leading Sire; Invitation Only and out of the AQHA Leading Broodmare; Krymsun Jet Set, by Hotrodders Jet Set and out of the exceptional mare; Crystal Class.
2012 is the first full season that DSG Vestastic is being offered for breeding. Excitingly we are offering a new program that rewards those that are willing to invest in the future of DGS Vestastic. “SHARE THE FUTURE” Program. For full details; Click Here!
DGSV-ShareTheFutureProgram2011 (159 KB)
APHA-BreedersTrust&FuturityPrograms (351 KB)
APHA-BreedersTrust&FuturityPrograms (351 KB)
APHA-GeldingsPlusProgram (68 KB)
APHA-GuideToBreeding (679 KB)
APHA-GuideToCoatColorGenetics (953 KB)
APHA-GuideToRegisterACropOut (46 KB)
APHA-GuideToRegistration (1431 KB)
APHA-MembershipApplicationForm (35 KB)
APHA-PAC-Categories (41 KB)
APHA-PAC-CombinedTrainingReport (36 KB)
APHA-PAC-DressageReport (41 KB)
APHA-PAC-EnrollmentApplication (57 KB)
APHA-RegistrationApplication (68 KB)
APHA-SolidPaintBredProgram (283 KB)
AQHA-AGuideToBuying (887 KB)
AQHA-DressageFactSheet (20 KB)
AQHA-IncentiveFundBrochure (1873 KB)
AQHA-IncentiveFundFoalNominationForm (291 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationApplicationForm (888 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationDnaOrderForm (45 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationHyppTestForm (21 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationRecordingYourTBMare (215 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationTransferReport (1390 KB)
AWR-AwardsProgram (128 KB)
AWR-AwardsProgramEnrollmentForm (140 KB)
AWR-FeeSchedule (99 KB)
AWR-MembershipApplication (100 KB)
AWR-RegistrationApplicationForm (113 KB)
AWR-RegistrationProcedures&Checklist (147 KB)
AWR-RuleBook (266 KB)
DGS 2016 Dispersal – Bill of Sale (195 KB)
DGS 2016 Dispersal – Press Release (275 KB)
KPHIF-IF-FoalNominationForm (295 KB)
KPHIF-IF-ProgramRules2009 (186 KB)
KPHIF-MembershipApplicationForm (20 KB)
KyQHA-BIF-FeeScheduleUpdated2009 (24 KB)
KyQHA-MembershipForm (28 KB)
NSBA-BCF&SIF-HorseNominationForm (85 KB)
NSBA-BCF&SIF-HorseTransferForm (34 KB)
NSBA-BCF-ClassesOffered (289 KB)
NSBA-BCF-GeneralInformation (317 KB)
NSBA-SIF-LicensingFAQ (249 KB)
NSBA-SIF-Program (318 KB)
NSBA-SmartPointsEnrollmentFormYouth (459 KB)
PHR-RegistrationApplicationForm (45 KB)
Registration-USEF-IA-DGSIndycated (872 KB)
USDF-AwardsAll-BreedsDeclarationForm (182 KB)
USDF-AwardsYearEnd (103 KB)
USDF-HorseLeaseRecordingForm (134 KB)
USDF-HorseRegistrationCheckList (76 KB)
USDF-HorseRegistrationForm (145 KB)
USDF-MembershipInformation (84 KB)
USDF-MembershipParticipatingForm (112 KB)
USEA-AdequanGoldCupSeries (269 KB)
USEA-BlueRibbonAwardProgram (0 KB)
USEA-HorseLifeRegistrationForm (110 KB)
USEA-MedalProgramRequirements (210 KB)
USEA-MembershipApplicationForm (111 KB)
USEA-MembershipBrochure (428 KB)
USEA-MembershipFAQ (227 KB)
USEA-SmartPakClassicSeries (298 KB)
USEA-WhatIsEventing (390 KB)
USEA-YoungHorseEventSeries (257 KB)
USEF-HorseLeaseRegistrationForm (83 KB)
USEF-HorseMeasurementForm (141 KB)
USEF-HorseMeasurementGuidelines (97 KB)
USEF-HorseTransferForm (70 KB)
USEF-MembershipApplication (130 KB)
USHJA-Awards (75 KB)
USHJA-AwardsStirrupCup (68 KB)
USHJA-HorseRegistrationFAQ (68 KB)
USHJA-MembershipApplicationForm (71 KB)
The AQHA Incentive Fund, the NSBA Stallion Incentive Fund, the NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity, the KyQHA Breeders Incentive Fund. His breeding has been donated to several futurity programs such as the Tom Powers, the Southern Belle and others. Contact us, we will reserve an available futurity breeding for you today!
DGS Vestastic has been tested HYPP N/N and Negative for CEM. He is EVA Negative and annually vaccinated.