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We invite you to inspect the outstanding DeGraff Stables offspring of Indian Artifacts, HBF Iron Man, DGS IndyGo, DGS Replicated, DGS TheEntertainer, DGS Vintage, iFiesta Fudge!, Frosty The Goodbar, Invite The Artist, and PR Tells A Tale offered for your consideration as your next horse show partner. You will find great value in these foals that have been handled daily since birth under close scrutiny by our staff as to their nutritional, farrier, deworming, vaccination and training requirements. Buy with confidence with our quality assurance. INTERESTING OPTION! Buy a youngster and let us raise it until ready to start under saddle in our proven young horse program! Contact us. We will help select a perfect match that meets your riding and showing goals! Enjoy our articles and learn about how our young horses start their show careers!