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Foal Breed Registration, Transfer and Lease Forms
The DeGraff Stables breeding program, as a result of the foals by CARIBBEAN TOUCHDOWN (AQHA/APHA/PHBA), DGS REPLICATED (AQHA), DGS THEENTERTAINER (AQHA/APHA), DGS VINTAGE (AQHA), INVITE THE ARTIST (APHA) and Reference Sires; INDIAN ARTIFACTS, HBF IRON MAN, DGS INDYGO and DGS VESTASTIC, boasts offspring that are competitive in a host of venues. According to your foal’s eligibility it must be registered with the appropriate organization. In the event of purchase, updates to ownership must also be recognized by these associations. Following you will find information, forms and weblinks that will help identify the many associations, programs and venues that your foal may be eligible for:
The American Paint Horse’s combination of color and conformation has made the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) the second-largest breed registry in the United States based on the number of horses registered annually. While the colorful coat pattern is essential to the identity of the breed, American Paint Horses have strict bloodline requirements and a distinctive stock-horse body type. There is both a Regular Registry and a Solid-Bred Registry available. Some solid horses might qualify for the Regular Registry based on DNA — see the rulebook for details (RG-070.E. and RG-070.F.). Following are handy forms for registration:
APHA-GuideToBreeding (679 KB)
APHA-GuideToCoatColorGenetics (953 KB)
APHA-GuideToRegistration (1431 KB)
APHA-GuideToRegisterACropOut (46 KB)
APHA-RegistrationApplication (68 KB)
APHA-MembershipApplicationForm (35 KB)
The American Quarter Horse Association, is the world’s largest equine breed registry and membership organization. The Quarter Horse is known for it’s kind and willing disposition, well-balanced conformation and agile speed. They are an extremely versatile breed and well suited for a variety of purposes, possess an acceptable pedigree, color and markings and are issued a registration certificate by AQHA. Following are handy forms for registration:
AQHA-AGuideToBuying (887 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationApplicationForm (888 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationDnaOrderForm (45 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationHyppTestForm (21 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationRecordingYourTBMare (215 KB)
AQHA-RegistrationTransferReport (1390 KB)
As an organization founded to support and promote the breeding and enjoyment of American Warmblood Sporthorses, the American Warmblood Registry (AWR) has developed a program of services designed to fulfill their stated goals.The AWR conducts inspection and branding tours to register foals on an annual basis. The Foal/Youngstock Inspection has four stages. Each horse is judged individually in the first three, and in the last stage, all of youngstock must appear together.All stages are compulsory for all youngstock, and their assessments will count towards the progeny assessment of the sires. The young horses are assesssed on: type, frame, conformation, movement, and general impression. Following are registration forms and information:
AWR-RegistrationProcedures&Checklist (147 KB)
AWR-RegistrationApplicationForm (113 KB)
AWR-MembershipApplication (100 KB)
AWR-FeeSchedule (99 KB)
The Performance Horse Registry (PHR) offers horse owners and breeders the opportunity to obtain identification papers for their horses, record pedigrees and collect performance records—all in one setting. Not only does this provide a place to track success, it also provides an avenue to explore the importance of making breeding decisions. Since the PHR is part of the United States Equestrian Federation, your horses’ records will be part of one of the largest equine databases in the world. Following are registration forms:
PHR-RegistrationApplicationForm (45 KB)
USDF – The United States Dressage Federation:
The United States Dressage Federation is the only national membership organization dedicated to dressage, a method of horse training in existence since ancient Greece and an Olympic sport since the inception of the modern Olympics in the late 1800’s. Dedicated to education, the recognition of achievement and promotion of dressage, USDF is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization with more than 30 different educational programs, 125 affiliate local or regional clubs and more than 2000 annual awards for excellence in competition. The national levels, Training Level through Fourth Level, are governed by the United States Equestrian Federation. The international levels are governed by the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI). The USDF encourages you to read more about our history, competitive dressage, dressage training and the history of this wonderful sport. Following are registration forms and information:
USDF-HorseRegistrationForm (145 KB)
USDF-HorseRegistrationCheckList (76 KB)
USDF-HorseLeaseRecordingForm (134 KB)
USDF-MembershipInformation (84 KB)
USDF-MembershipParticipatingForm (112 KB)
The USEA is in association with the US Equestrian Federation, which is the regulatory body for equestrian sports in the United States. In cooperation with the USEA, USEF licenses officials, sets rules, and establishes standards which ensure uniformity and safety at USEA competitions throughout the country. The USEF horse trial takes place over one, two or three days, and involves three distinct phases or tests-with varying degrees of difficulty, depending on the competitive level in Dressage, Cross-Country and in Show Jumping. Taken as a whole, these phases portray the ability, versatility, and preparedness of horse and rider. Penalty points are recorded and then totalled for the three tests, resulting in a combined score for the whole trial–thus eventing’s synonym, combined training. The lowest score wins. Registration forms and information:
USEA-WhatIsEventing (390 KB)
USEA-HorseLifeRegistrationForm (110 KB)
USEA-MembershipBrochure (428 KB)
USEA-MembershipFAQ (227 KB)
USEA-MembershipApplicationForm (111 KB)
The membership of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) serves as the National Governing Body for Equestrian Sport. The USEF is dedicated to uniting the equestrian community, honoring achievement, and serving as guardians of equestrian sport. Registration and membership information:
USEF-HorseLeaseRegistrationForm (83 KB)
USEF-HorseTransferForm (70 KB)
USEF-HorseMeasurementGuidelines (97 KB)
USEF-HorseMeasurementForm (141 KB)
USEF-MembershipApplication (130 KB)
The United States Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA), as the Official National Affiliate for the Hunter/Jumper discipline, promotes our sport and the well being of its participants, offers broad based education for our members and provides the framework for the conduct of the Hunter Jumper sport. Registration and membership information:
USHJA-HorseRegistrationFAQ (68 KB)
USHJA-MembershipApplicationForm (71 KB)